The EFHKC launched the Coach Registration System in 2021 to further promote our sport and to raise recognition for all professional riding coaches and instructors in Hong Kong.
The list of EFHKC Registered Coaches is as follows:
The above registered coaches are professional riding coaches and instructors holding qualifications equivalent to or above BHS Stage 3 - Coach / FEI Level 1 Coach (The International Group for Equestrian Qualifications The EFHKC will update the List of Registered Coaches on regular basis without prior notice.
The EFHKC Coach Registration System is open to all EFHKC members. Interested members may download and complete the application form (available below) and submit all required documents with the payment record/ a crossed cheque to the EFHKC Secretariat (Address: HKEF, 8/F Central Complex Building, Shatin Racecourse, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong.) or by email to [email protected].
For enquiries, please feel free to contact us at [email protected] or 2966 5078.
EFHKC Coach Registration Form 2024-2025
EFHKC Coach Registration Renewal & Correspondence Update Form 2024-2025
The EFHKC makes no representation, warranties or guarantees whatsoever, whether express or implied, that the relevant information under the List is accurate, complete or up-to-date. It is important to note that EFHKC publishes the list of accredited coaches for members’ future reference only. Members are advised to make inquiries of the individual coach and/or riding school prior to undertaking riding lessons as to the other conditions for riding lessons including as to whether there is adequate insurance in place.