- News
- Events Calendar
- Horse of the Year Show and Season End Awards⯈ Horse of the Year Show and Season End Awards⯈ Dressage Horse of the Year Award⯈ Jumping Horse of the Year Award⯈ Eventing Horse of the Year Award⯈ Overall Horse of the Year Award⯈ Grimshaw Plate⯈ Junior Rider of the Year Award⯈ Wrinklies Rice Bowl⯈ The Hong Kong Jockey Club Best Retired Racehorse Award⯈ The Hong Kong Jockey Club Best “Newcomer” Retired Racehorse Award
- Bad Weather Arrangements
- Rules & Regulations
- Anti-Doping
- Hong Kong Team & Riders
Promotion & Education
- Understanding Equestrian Sports⯈ What is Equestrianism?⯈ Dressage⯈ Jumping⯈ Eventing⯈ Para Dressage
- Equestrian Sports Promotional Programmes ⯈ School Visits to Riding School and Pony Ride⯈ EHKFC Inter-school Equestrian Challenge & EFHKC Senior Inter-school Eventing Challenge⯈ HKEF Guided Tours⯈ Officials’ Training
- Publications
- Bilingual Equestrian Glossary
About us
- Introduction to the HKEF
- President's Message
- Organization Structure⯈ Executive Committee⯈ Education & Promotion Sub-Committee⯈ Finance Sub-Committee⯈ Human Resource Management Sub-Committee⯈ Membership, Sponsorship and Communication Sub-Committee⯈ Rules Sub-Committee⯈ Safeguarding Sub-Committee⯈ Training & Selection Sub-Committee⯈ EFHKC Secretariat
- Ordinary Yearly Meeting
- Corporate Information
- Job Vacancies
- Volunteer Scheme
- Contact Us
- Membership

Horse of the Year Show and Season End Awards
Horse of the Year Show and Season End AwardsDressage Horse of the Year AwardJumping Horse of the Year AwardEventing Horse of the Year AwardOverall Horse of the Year AwardGrimshaw PlateJunior Rider of the Year AwardWrinklies Rice BowlThe Hong Kong Jockey Club Best Retired Racehorse AwardThe Hong Kong Jockey Club Best “Newcomer” Retired Racehorse AwardBad Weather ArrangementsRules & RegulationsAnti-Doping Understanding Equestrian Sports
What is Equestrianism?DressageJumpingEventingPara DressageEquestrian Sports Promotional Programmes
School Visits to Riding School and Pony RideEHKFC Inter-school Equestrian Challenge & EFHKC Senior Inter-school Eventing ChallengeHKEF Guided ToursOfficials’ TrainingPublicationsBilingual Equestrian Glossary
Introduction to the HKEFPresident's Message
Organization Structure
Executive CommitteeEducation & Promotion Sub-CommitteeFinance Sub-CommitteeHuman Resource Management Sub-CommitteeMembership, Sponsorship and Communication Sub-CommitteeRules Sub-CommitteeSafeguarding Sub-CommitteeTraining & Selection Sub-CommitteeEFHKC SecretariatOrdinary Yearly MeetingCorporate InformationJob VacanciesVolunteer SchemeContact Us
Volunteer Scheme