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Completion of HKEF online Sharing Session “Para Dressage and Riders”


The HKEF online Sharing Session “Para Dressage and Riders” was held at noon today by para-dressage team members Fleur Schrader, Timothy Tsang, Natasha Tse and two special guests Ms. Amanda Bond and Mr. Stephane Morai.


The riders are experienced in international and major competitions including the FEI World Equestrian Games and Paralympic Games. For the first time ever, Hong Kong is sending a team to the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games, marking a new milestone in Para Dressage.


Our first guest speaker, Amanda, is the Head of Equestrian Affairs of the Hong Kong Jockey Club and the Chair of FEI Para Equestrian Technical Committee. She gave us an introduction on the discipline of Para Dressage and its unique physical classification process according to riders’ impairment. Riders then shared their riding stories and their preparation for the Paralympics. All expressed their excitement going to the Paralympics as a team for the first time, endeavouring to try their best and enjoy the Games.


The session concluded with Stephane, who is the Hong Kong Jockey Club Acting Chief Riding Instructor as well as coach of the para riders, sharing on the training and preparation work for Paralympics with the riders. “I tried to develop a relationship based on the trust, respect, inducement and encouragement.” Stephane said, “Together we have developed a system, to improve the weaknesses and reinforce the strengths.”


The HKEF would like to thank Fleur, Timothy, Natasha and our guest speakers for their time in joining today’s session. We hope that all attendants found it interesting and understood more about the discipline.


Last but not least, HKEF would like to send its best wishes to three Para riders at the upcoming Paralympic Games in Tokyo.


Please feel free to share with us any suggestions or ideas for future online sessions. We really appreciate your opinion so we can provide a wide variety of relevant content.


Thank you for your kind attention.


Best Regards,

Hong Kong Equestrian Federation


Completion of HKEF online Sharing Session “Para Dressage and Riders”Completion of HKEF online Sharing Session “Para Dressage and Riders”Completion of HKEF online Sharing Session “Para Dressage and Riders”Completion of HKEF online Sharing Session “Para Dressage and Riders”