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Completion of FEI Dressage Equestrian Sports Educative Event Hong Kong 2019


Dear members,


To further promote the discipline of dressage in Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Equestrian Federation (HKEF) has applied through the FEI Solidarity to run a Dressage Equestrian Sports Educative Event (ESEE) under its sponsorship. Supported by the Hong Kong Jockey Club (HKJC), this 3-year programme has kicked off its first Hong Kong edition on 23 – 26 October at Beas River Equestrian Centre (BREC).


The ESEE is an educational training programme targeted at national coaches with their pupils, judges and event organizers, aiming to help developing NFs to sustainably grow and manage the FEI disciplines at national level. The FEI Dressage Educative Event Pilot Project was introduced in April to May 2014 to conduct research in 4 pioneer countries namely Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand in the sustainable formula for the advance in dressage. Over the years, developing countries such as Zambia, Swaziland and Jamaica have also organized the Dressage ESEE under the sponsorship of FEI Solidarity to upgrade the nations’ technical level in dressage.


With the growing popularity of dressage as well as the increasing number of dressage competitions in Hong Kong, nurturing dressage officials such as judges, writers and coaches has been one of the focuses of the HKEF. The HKEF was honoured to have Expert Coach, Roy Ibrahim from Singapore and Expert Judge, Alison King from Hong Kong as the Course Directors of the ESEE. The ESEE is a 4-day programme conducted under Module 1 – Elementary, with a total number of 36 participants attending. Among all participants, each of them has selected a role between coach, judge or demo riders in attending the ESEE. They were divided into either coaching or judging class to receive guidance and instructions.


The ESEE conducted over 4 days with intensive contents and activities. The first three days involved both theoretical and practical sessions in both mornings and afternoons. Demonstrations at the Elementary level were the main focus of the course. Participants as coaches and demo riders paired up to work throughout the entire course. During the trainings, coaches helped demo riders to prepare the Elementary test in a gradual progress. At the same time, participants as judges shared their insights and comments at the demonstrations. The mock competition on the last day provided an occasion for participants to showcase what they have learned at the course. Riders presented the entire test with the help of coaches to prepare for the test. Judges were also given the opportunity to shadow judge at the Elementary level. Reviews and debriefing were conducted with the Course Directors. Participants who have completed all 4 days of ESEE were presented the Certificate of Attendance and were invited to join the programme in the upcoming second and third year of programme.


The HKEF would like to extend its warmest gratitude to Roy Ibrahim and Alison King for their great efforts to the FEI Dressage ESEE Hong Kong 2019. Appreciation also goes to the HKJC for their support, as well as all participating members and demo riders who have made the programme successful.


Best Regards,
Hong Kong Equestrian Federation


Completion of FEI Dressage Equestrian Sports Educative Event Hong Kong 2019