Training Support Programme


為培訓有潛質的騎手代表香港參加國際大型馬術比賽及錦標賽,除了香港賽馬會計劃及香港體院的精英運動員系統,中國香港馬術總會於2016年夏季推出支援計劃 (現定名為培育青苗計劃) ,為上述計劃以外的騎手新星提供支援。




13 Riders supported by HKEF Training Support 2019/2020

The Equestrian Federation of Hong Kong, China (EFHKC) is pleased to announce that the Federation is going to support 13 potential junior riders to take part in both local and overseas training for the sixth consecutive year with the funding from the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD)...  Read more